Everything You Need to Know about Traveling with Toddlers

For parents with toddlers, flying can be filled with anxiety and stress…

With a bit of planning and these invaluable tips, your airplane journey can become a breeze, even with energetic toddlers in tow. It’s also important to always over plan. Plan on having a delay or being stuck in the tarmac so you are prepared.

1. Timing is Everything

• Book Wisely: Opt for flights that align with your toddler’s sleep schedule. Red-eye flights or midday flights can help sync with nap times, minimizing fussiness.

• Arrive Early: Get to the airport with plenty of time to spare. Toddlers can be unpredictable, and having extra time reduces stress.

We recently traveled and my wallet fell out of my bag in the car. Thankfully we were early and my mom had dropped us off. She was able to turn around and get it to me. Talk about stressful!

2. Pack Strategically

• Essentials First: Bring ample snacks (no such thing as too many snacks!) making a tackle box of snacks is super fun for them too and it keeps them occupied a little longer. Snacks are especially useful for distraction and to ease ear pressure during takeoff and landing. Also, age dependent lollipops are great too! (Sometimes TJ max has these and so much cheaper!)

• Extra clothes, favorite toys, and comfort items.

• Entertainment Arsenal: Load up on games, books, coloring books, and downloadable cartoons on tablets. New and exciting activities can captivate your toddler’s attention for longer.

3. Seat Selection Matters

• Opt for bulkhead seats or seats with extra legroom to allow more space for your toddler to play. Consider the proximity to lavatories for ease of access. Sometimes it’s worth it to pay extra but I know with traveling in a budget it’s not always feasible.

• Child Restraint System: Check if your airline allows car seats or other child restraint systems. They provide familiar comfort and safety for your little one.

4. Be Mindful of Ear Pressure

• Sucking Motion: Encourage swallowing during takeoff and landing by offering a bottle, pacifier,( pacifier clips) or snacks. Chewing gum or sucking on a lollipop (for older toddlers) can also help equalize ear pressure.

• Yawning and Swallowing: Engage your toddler in activities that promote yawning or swallowing, such as singing, yawning together, or sipping water.

5. Keep Calm and Stay Positive

• Lead by Example: Your demeanor influences your toddler’s behavior. Stay calm, patient and positive, as toddlers can sense and mirror your emotions.

• Embrace Distractions: Be ready with fun distractions or games to divert their attention from potential tantrums or discomfort.

6. Communicate and Set Expectations

• Explain the Journey: Talk to your toddler about the airplane journey in advance. Explain the process in simple terms to manage expectations.

• Reward System: Consider a reward system for good behavior throughout the flight. Small treats or stickers can motivate and reinforce positive behavior.

7. Prioritize Safety and Health

• Sanitization and Hygiene: Pack sanitizing wipes to clean surfaces and toys. Encourage handwashing or use hand sanitizer to minimize germ exposure.

• Comfortable Attire: Dress your toddler in comfortable clothes and shoes suitable for the flight’s temperature variations. Make sure you’re comfortable too and nothing you care about getting messy because well toddlers.

8. Stay Flexible and Adapt

• Expect the Unexpected: Despite your best preparations, things might not go according to plan. Delays, blow outs, stuck in a tar mat…just over prepare. Be flexible and adapt to changing situations.

• Ask for Help: Don’t hesitate to seek assistance from flight attendants or fellow passengers if needed. This is great advice but in hindsight who actually knows if either will be helpful after all the horror stories you see in Good Morning America.

Traveling with toddlers during the holiday season doesn’t have to be a nerve-wracking experience. With meticulous planning, patience, and a sprinkle of creativity, you can turn the journey into a memorable part of your holiday adventure. Embrace the chaos, savor the moments, and most importantly, cherish the joy of spending quality time with your little one amidst the holiday hustle and bustle. Safe travels!

Remember, every flight is a step closer to making treasured family memories, even if it involves a few toddler tantrums along the way.

And my biggest tip of all….coffee…iced coffee so no burning spills!

Happy travels!

Xoxo, Casey 💋

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