Tips to Save Money as a Mom

I’ve compiled some ways/habits I have adapted to try to save money. 

Costco! With three small children, who I like to feed healthier snacks, Costco is the way to go. Buying in Bulk is definitely expensive up front but it pays of course in the long run. I have the Executive membership which pays for itself and then some over the course of the year.

ALDI, do not sleep on ALDI! It’s a great place to stock up on fresh fruits and vegetables if you can’t make it to the Farmers Market. The produce can be hit or miss, but when it’s hitting it can definitely save you a lot!

PUBLIX, now all my NY subscribers do not have a Publix. I love my Wegmans’s, but they seem to be just as expensive as Whole Foods. My favorite part about Publix is that they run, Buy One Get One Free every week. They run these specials on healthy good food to, not just the over processed junk. I will make the extra trip to Publix just to stock up on all my favorites when they are BOGO. Nothing like watching that cash register price cut in half. 

Target Cartwheel, if you do not have the Target cartwheel or the Debit card (NOT THE CREDIT CARD) you are missing out on a ton of savings. I always check the Cartwheel app for savings like $20 off a $100 purchase, or when they run specials to earn a gift card if you spend so much. This can definitely help you get more bang for your buck.

Another store I use that is online is Thrive!

You can check it out here for 40% off your first order. I like the different healthy options they have and they carry a few things I can not get in stores. Plus, it comes right to my door which, hello mom life, super helpful. Price wise…they are pretty comparable I think I am more of a fan of their options, but when they run a sale it can be a really good deal. 

Here are a few Apps I use to save money..

Shopkick, this gives me free points (kicks) after I enter certain participating stores. After so many kicks you can receive a gift card to your choosing. I usually pick either Target or Starbucks.

Ibotta This one can be a little tedious and time consuming, but I usually input my receipts during the car line. Us Moms can always find a way to make use of that car line lol. This APP will have you pick the store your shopping at and you can basically clip a coupon. You then submit a picture of the receipt and they will add the savings to an account, you can cash out for the money or a giftcard after you hit $20. 

I use the Upside APP to save on Gas. I have a Sam’s membership to get gas there because they are right down the street, but sometimes I am not close or the line is just too long. I actually really love this app. It gives me a Gas Station close by and usually saves me between 7-25 cents. You’ll get up to 25¢/gal cash back on gas in addition to this bonus I’m about to give you. That’s up to 40¢/gal total cash back!

Use this link or enter my promo code 2D389H to get an extra 15¢/gal in free gas the first time you use the app:

***Please know, I’ll also get an extra 15¢/gal cash back after you use the app (so thanks!).

These are just a few of the ways I try to save money on the regular. Some can be annoying or time consuming but if it saves me money, I enjoy the journey HAHA.

Hope this helps you save a little bit extra Money! 



**Disclaimer: This blog contains affiliate links. I may earn a small commission to fund my coffee drinking habit if you use these links to make a purchase. You will not be charged extra, and you’ll keep me supplied in caffeine. It’s a win for everyone, really!

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