5 Healthy Snack Swaps to Make in Your Pantry for Kids

5 Healthy Snack Swaps to Make in Your Pantry for Kids

As a Mom, I am always looking for ways to keep my kids’ snacks tasty and nutritious. While the pantry staples may be convenient, they are overpriced loaded crap that is poisoning our kids. By making a few simple swaps, you can stock your pantry with better options that your kids will love and feel good about eating. Ingredients can be overwhelming and it can seeem like a lot. Start small..

Here are five healthy snack swaps you can make today!

1. Swap Chips for Whole Grain Crackers

Why: While chips are a popular snack, they’re often fried and loaded with unhealthy fats and sodium. Whole grain crackers offer a crunchy alternative packed with fiber and nutrients that are good for growing bodies. Siete chips can be a healthier option if you’re looking for a chip!

Simple Mills whole line is really good!

Made Good has some good crackers too!

Mom Tip: Pair whole grain crackers with hummus, guacamole, or nut butter for a satisfying and balanced snack that provides both protein and healthy fats.

2. Swap Sugary Granola Bars for Nut and Fruit Bars

Why: Granola bars may seem like a healthy choice, but many are full of added sugars and artificial ingredients. Nut and fruit bars, especially those made with minimal ingredients, offer natural sweetness and protein to keep kids full and energized.

That’s It Bars are some of my favorite.

Perfect Bar Minis


Mom Tip: Look for bars that contain 5 ingredients or less, with no added sugars or artificial sweeteners.

3. Swap Soda for Flavored Sparkling Water

Why: Soda is a top source of added sugar in kids’ diets and provides no nutritional value. Flavored sparkling water is a refreshing alternative that satisfies their craving for fizz without the added sugars or artificial colors.

Pro Tip: Opt for naturally flavored sparkling water with no added sweeteners, or make your own by adding fresh fruit slices to regular sparkling water.

4. Swap Candy for Dried Fruit

Why: Candy is often loaded with artificial colors and preservatives that provide an instant sugar rush, followed by a crash. Dried fruit offers a naturally sweet alternative while supplying fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

Pro Tip: Be sure to choose unsweetened dried fruit with no added sugars to keep things healthy. Mix it with nuts for a fun trail mix!

5. Swap Ice Cream for Frozen Yogurt Pops

Why: Ice cream may be a go-to treat, but it’s typically high in sugar and unhealthy fats. Frozen yogurt pops can provide a creamy, delicious substitute with probiotics and less sugar, especially when made with Greek yogurt.

I love Yasso Bars.

I also love to make my own and often use my left over smoothie to make some home made Pops!

Good Pop also makes some great Popsicles!

Mom Tip: Make your own frozen yogurt pops at home by blending Greek yogurt with fresh fruit and a drizzle of honey, then freezing in molds.

I love my Thrive Membership to get healthy snacks delivered right to my door! The above link can save you up to $40 in your membership.

Five simple snack swaps, can create a healthier pantry and feel confident that your kids are getting the nutrients they need without sacrificing flavor. These alternatives are just as tasty but are packed with whole, nutrient-dense ingredients that keep your kids satisfied throughout the day.

Remember, teaching your kids to enjoy healthy snacks can have a lifelong impact on their eating habits. Happy snacking!



*Disclaimer: This blog contains affiliate links. I may earn a small commission to fund my coffee drinking habit if you use these links to make a purchase. You will not be charged extra, and you’ll keep me supplied in caffeine. It’s a win for everyone, really!

SEO Keywords: healthy snack swaps, kids healthy snacks, whole grain crackers, nut and fruit bars, flavored sparkling water, dried fruit snacks, frozen yogurt pops for kids

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