4 Effective Tips to Declutter Post Holiday

The holiday season is joyous, but it often leaves our spaces cluttered with decorations, gifts, and toys. Embracing the new year with a clean, clutter-free space can bring a sense of renewal and productive energy.

Here are five actionable tips to help you declutter effectively after the holidays.

Start Small, Focus Big:

Begin decluttering by focusing on one area or room at a time. Perhaps start with the living room or the kitchen. Divide the space into manageable sections and tackle them systematically. This approach prevents overwhelm and allows you to see tangible progress, motivating you to continue. If your anything like me you tend to start one room and bounce to the other, but there is definitely something about finishing one room first that brings joy.

My favorite…The ‘Three-Box’ Rule:

Adopt the ‘three-box’ strategy: Keep, Donate, Discard. As you go through items, place them in one of these designated boxes. Items that are still useful can be kept, while those in good condition but no longer needed can be donated. Broken or non-functional items should be discarded responsibly.

Seasonal Storage Solutions:

Invest in storage solutions designed for seasonal items. Properly labeledbins, organizers, or storage boxes can help keep holiday decorations and items neatly tucked away. Consider using vacuum-sealed bags for bulky items like wreaths or artificial trees to save space.

Evaluate New Gifts Mindfully:

With the influx of new gifts, take a moment to evaluate each one. Consider whether they align with your lifestyle and if they serve a purpose. If not, consider regifting, donating, or exchanging them. This practice prevents unnecessary clutter buildup.

Create Sustainable Habits:

Use this post-holiday decluttering as a catalyst to establish sustainable decluttering habits. Designate specific times throughout the year to review and declutter your belongings. Regularly reassessing what you own can prevent unnecessary accumulation of items and maintain a clutter-free environment. Side note, one of my favorite tricks for the closet is to flip the hangers backwards, this lets me know I haven’t worn an item in forever and maybe I can toss it. After I toss it of course, I need it a week later Lolol.

Decluttering after the holidays is an opportunity to start the new year with a clean slate. Implementing these five tips – starting small, adopting the ‘three-box’ rule, investing in seasonal storage solutions, evaluating new gifts mindfully, and creating sustainable habits – can help you declutter effectively and maintain a serene living space throughout the year. Less is more for 2024.

Wishing you all a calm and peaceful New Year!



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